Crytek Boss Applauds Far Cry 2

Crytek Boss Applauds Far Cry 2 Crytek Boss Applauds Far Cry 2 Crytek Boss Applauds Far Cry 2 Crytek Boss Applauds Far Cry 2

Before you get all jumpy about Crytek boss applauding his own game, please remember that Far Cry 2 has nothing to do with Crytek since they sold all of its rights to Ubisoft.

In a recent interview, Cevat Yerli (Crytek boss) said that he's not only keen to play Far Cry 2 but that he applauds Ubisoft's design goals for the sequel.

"I'm happy with the direction it [Far Cry 2] took, with Africa and the scenario and the gameplay choices they want to make... So it allows the concept to co-exist and differentiates itself from Crysis and Far Cry. Which is good", he said. "I'm looking forward to playing Far Cry 2 for that matter".

Yerli then applauded the innovations Ubisoft added to the sequel. Those "innovations" included the non-linear, threaded storylines which Crytek investigated for Crysis but dismissed it. "It sounds good on paper and we tested out a couple of things, but it didn't work for us", Yerli explained.

He also said he has no regrets about leaving Far Cry behind.
"I'm completely happy with Crysis. Crysis for us is the chance to do the first thing right and not to fix it in a sequel. For me, the first thing, effectively to set a base which we can expand upon in the future, is a lot stronger."