Crysis Community Site Launched

Crysis Community Site Launched Crysis Community Site Launched Crysis Community Site Launched

Crytek announced today a new community site for Crysis fans.

The new official community website is available online as of today. It provides all forms of information on the Crysis franchise and also offers the official forums, where fans will be able to find all of the latest news and content directly provided by the developers.

"We developed to give our fans, our worldwide community a premier platform for all things Crysis", said Cevat Yerli, CEO & President of Crytek. "Our community is the most important reason we produce games and we want to give them an easy and fun way to get involved in the Crysis franchise."

"Mycrysis is going to be the new home for our general online community. It's going to be full of resources for all of our games, and people will be able to network on a whole new level. Where Crymod will still be focusing on all of your modding related needs, Mycrysis will act as our central hub for all of our titles. I'm positive that everyone will really like the new site, and the work we've put into it." said Eddy Dew, Lead Community Manager at Crytek.