Counter Strike on XBox Details

Counter Strike on XBox Details

Counter-Strike, introduced in 1999 as a half-life mod, a game that pits members of counter-terrorist units against terrorists, boasts the largest online community, 10 million in all. The other feature of CS is that it is PC-Exclusive. Both of those facts make Counter-Strike the most coveted trophy for any self-respecting console which wishes to sustain a successful online service.

Computer and Video Games have released new details of the upcoming XBox version of CS. Currently in development by Ritual Entertainment and Valve Software, the XBox version will include elements from both the current CS Free mod and the upcoming Condition Zero PC retail product.
In order to introduce the title to a new format, developers plan to offer exclusive content for the XBox. Hints of what that content may be are also mentioned. To start with at least two new weapons will be made available, the unassuming syringe and the machete.

A much more intriguing exclusive XBox feature however, is the possibility that players will be able to create their own customized objectives beyond the standard, hostage rescue, bomb defuse and V.I.P. rescue scenarios. Details of this aspect of the game, naturally, are kept under lock and key.

The successful transformation of this extremely popular PC title to a console game could prove to be a decisive move in the fight for survival in the console wars and especially in the fledgling online console gaming market.