Could the Nintendo NX be a VR focused machine?

Could the Nintendo NX be a VR focused machine?

Nintendo is reportedly researching virtual reality, which makes you wonder if alongside the PS4 Neo and Xbox Scorpio, if Nintendo's next-generation console could have some virtual reality capabilities built into it.

Nintendo admitted it was looking into VR developments during a shareholder meeting this morning in Japan. According to Twitter user NStyles, who was present, Shigeru Miyamoto said that he tried a lot of the VR gear out at E3, but was somewhat disappointed. For him the problem lies with how long you can play the games for. If Nintendo were to release VR hardware he said, players would need to be able to use it for long periods safely and comfortably.

Somebody spent too much time with a Rift on their face. The Vive delivers a far more comfortable experience from this writer's perspective.

Still, this gets you wondering about the potential for a Nintendo NX that has some sort of VR capability. Although the WiiMotes wouldn't be an ideal way to interact with virtual reality, they'd give some sort of motion tracking out of the gate. If Nintendo leveraged that, perhaps we could see some sort of Nintendo VR solution before long.

It has also been bold in trying new ideas like the 3DS before and of course the Virtual Boy back in the day - even though it was a headache causing mess.

Let's say for a second Nintendo did go all out on virtual reality, would you trust it to put out a good product in comparison to Sony, Oculus and HTC?

Image source: BagoGames/Flickr