Could loot box games scratch that gambling itch?

Could loot box games scratch that gambling itch?

In the wake of continued pressure from gamers, developers implementing loot boxes in their games are being put through the ringer and with good reason. However, there are some gamers who enjoy the practice -- or at least claim too -- so perhaps the best way for them to exercise that enjoyment would be through a game designed specifically around the practice of loot boxes. Not in a way to milk money from them, but to actually give them a neverending experience of opening randomized rewards.

Enter Box Looter 2018. LIke any of the idle-gaming clicker titles, it's an incredibly basic experience, but it's all about opening loot crates. You earn money from opening crates, which in turn lets you unlock new crates and so on. You'll gradually work your way up the mountain as you play, questing for the ultimate loot crate.

It's a dumb game, but it pokes fun at the mechanic fairly well and when it's released on November 30 may prove somewhat popular as a protest purchase for some gamers.

In the same vein is I Can't Believe It's Not Gambling, another experience focused on unboxing.

"Do you love opening loot creates, but hate the tedious gameplay sessions in between?" Opens the game's description, letting you know exactly the type of experience you're in for.

The entire game, much like Box Looter 2018, is opening chests and crates. You'll transition through various stages of rarity, salvage items to craft new crates to open, an enormous collection system urging you to keep playing to collect them all, and a currency manipulation system that makes the whole experience entirely unfair.

Slated to launch on November 29, it's getting a jump on the competition early.