Civilization VI saves now work cross-platform on Switch and PC

Civilization VI saves now work cross-platform on Switch and PC

If you like to play Civilization on the go, but don't want to start a brand new save on a different platform to do so, then there's now hope for you. Civilization VI saves now work cross-platform, meaning you can play your game on your PC, then pick up your Switch and keep playing the same game.

There is a catch in that you'll need a 2K Games account, which you then link to your Steam account and Switch account, but that's no major hardship. What is more of a pain is that since the Switch currently only supports the base game of Civilization VI, you are limited to that if you want to play on both platforms. That means no expansions or DLC. That could change in the future though.

The video above shows how to jump between the two platforms, but what has many people excited is the idea that this kind of cross-platform play could go further. Why not make it possible to bring your save with to other platforms like home consoles or Windows-based tablets and 2-in-1s?

Where would you like to be able to play Civ VI cross-platform?