Carmack: NGP And 3DS Might Be The Last Gaming Handhelds

Carmack: NGP And 3DS Might Be The Last Gaming Handhelds

Speaking to The Dallas Morning News, Id Software technical director John Carmack expressed his belief that the upcoming Nintendo 3DS and Sony NGP might be the last dedicated gaming handhelds.

"The smart phone may turn out to be 80 percent as good at gaming as a dedicated gaming platform. People are going to carry their smart phone, and if it's an 80 percent gaming device, how many people in the gaming market will be satisfied with that? That's the question that's in everybody's mind," he said.

"If that's what the consumers are going to trend towards on there, there may not be much as developers we can do about that."

Carmack then reasoned that Sony and Nintendo will have to bow down because "you don't always get to build pyramids just because you want to."