Capcom is using 'real-world' Monster bounty to sell Monster Hunter World

Capcom is using 'real-world' Monster bounty to sell Monster Hunter World

Capcom has announced a $50,000 bounty for any concrete information relating to any of 10 real-world monsters rumored to exist -- everything from Bigfoot to the Loch Ness monster. Why? Because it's just launched Monster Hunter World on Xbox One and PS4 and it wants people talking about it, that's why.

Monster Hunter World, for those who don't know or can't guess, is a game about hunting monsters. True, you do it with cat sidekicks, giant swords, and armor that somehow makes it so that you don't need to breathe underwater, but that's not the point.The point is hunting ever larger, ever more dangerous monsters and by all accounts, it's rather good. Better than many of the previous entries in the series too, with a big graphical upgrade, new map mechanics (without loading screens) a tonne of new monsters and a better introduction that doesn't require 10-hours of grinding to fight your first big beasty.

To aid promotion a little though, Capcom is offering $50,000 for real-world monster information. Of course if you really discovered Bigfoot you'd probably be in for more fame and reward money than $50,000, but Capcom has taken some steps to add some legitimacy to this bounty. It's partnered with cryptozoologist and director of the Center for Fortean Zoology, Jon Downes, to analyze any data brought in (as per Kotaku). He's also come up with a list of 10 monsters that he's looking for information on. They are as follows:

  • Bigfoot
  • Earth Hound
  • Scottish Lake Monster
  • Cornish Owlman
  • Chupacabras
  • Yeti
  • The Flying Snake of Namibia
  • Yowie
  • Mermaid
  • Mongolian Death Worm

This monster hunt is sure to bring out the crazies out there, but if you have anything you consider legitimate, get in touch with the team at