Call of Duty Black Ops IV Officially Ditches Campaign For Extras

Call of Duty Black Ops IV Officially Ditches Campaign For Extras

Although Call of Duty games tend to be quite divisive throughout the wider gaming community -- typically beloved by mainstream gamers and much maligned by those more embedded in the gaming scene -- the next one, Black Ops IV, is likely to be even more so, as it strays far from the classic Call of Duty formula. What once was a single player campaign with a tacked on multiplayer mode, will now focus entirely on its multiplayer aspect and special game modes. Black Ops IV will not have any single player campaign mode at all.

The corridor shooter campaigns of Call of Duty games have been a hallmark of the series since its inception. Fans of the classic gameplay loved Call of Duty 2, World at War and Modern Warfare I and II for their bombastic action and set pieces, but it seems that Activision isn't interested in that for the next one. It's dropped the single player game altogether and will replace it with a new "battle royale" mode (because of course it did), an expanded zombie experience and new multiplayer modes.

You can check out the new zombie trailer here, though arguably the mode that has drawn the most attention in the latest release is the battle royale mode, known as Blackout.

Gamers aren't sure what they think of it. Some love the idea, some hate it, a few vocal souls want a campaign mode -- but it's gone and this is what we have in its place.

How do you guys feel about that?