Britain Debates having Wii In Schools

Britain Debates having Wii In Schools Britain Debates having Wii In Schools

Five Worcestershire schools have been testing the use of select Wii games to augment traditional Physical Education (PE) lessons, and now the British Government considers expanding the program.

The Droitwich and Worcester City School Sport Partnership program, which had school students playing select Wii games at lunch time, has won an award for its contribution to increasing participation in physical activity.

"We welcome the positive impact that innovations like these can have as a first step towards getting people to participate in a range of physical activities and to enjoy the many benefits of an active lifestyle", a Department of Health spokesman stated.

But on the other side, Nick Seaton, chairman of the Campaign for Real Education blasted the idea, saying students would be better off taking part in competitive sports rather than playing consoles during school time.

"It looks like another gimmick. It's pandering to the views of the physically idle," Seaton told Channel 4. "Pupils would be far better doing serious competitive sports and games than this sort of thing".