Blizzcon tickets come with all sorts of in-game goodies

Blizzcon tickets come with all sorts of in-game goodies

If you play just one of Blizzard's many popular games, then grabbing yourself a ticket to Blizzcon this year might be worth your while, as the publisher is giving away all sorts of in-game items to attendees. On top of that, those watching online and willing to pay for the primitive of HD streams, will also get access to extra in-game content.

If you buy the Virtual Ticket for Blizzcon, currently priced at $40, you'll get HD streams of all the tournaments, the panels and the opening and closing ceremony. However you'll also get stuff for WoW, in the form of a level 1 Grommloc, a small fish-eyed pet with an axe as big as itself. You'll also earn a new StarCraft portrait and decal, a unique transmog for Diablo III and a special card back for Hearthstone players with a Blizzcon theme.

Even those playing in the early alpha for Heroes of the Storm will get a new brawler portrait and nexus charger. That's a new type of mount.

The question is though, is all of this worth it? It seems more to me that those who were planning to watch the streams anyway, might upgrade to an HD offering so they can get a few extra freebies, but I doubt Blizzard is going too draw in many new fans with a price tag like that, even with all the in-game extras.

What do you guys think?