Blizzard: WoW Still Got Many Years And Will Be Eclipsed By Our Titan

Blizzard: WoW Still Got Many Years And Will Be Eclipsed By Our Titan

For six years World Of WarCraft has dominated the MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) market while its competitors tried unsuccessfully to come up with new games that would take its place. Now that the WoW is starting to get old, Blizzard has already starting working on its semi-successor "Titan". But what about the future of World of WarCraft itself?

Blizzard COO Paul Sams doesn't deny that WoW is likely to lose the MMo spotlight in the near future, hopefully to Blizzard's Titan, but he still "see[s] World of Warcraft as having many more years in front of it. We have over 12 million subscribers. We're continuing to grow and we feel very good about them. We're going to continue to support that product for many, many years to come."

"As it relates to that other [MMO], we think that it's going to be very impactful in our industry and, we hope, very impactful to the world," he added. "We think that that will be, after Diablo III, the next big thing from us. The thing that we hope will happen is that it will not stop World of Warcraft but we believe will eclipse it."

"We're very confident in that product. It's an awesome one," Sams continued. "We're playing it already. It is a total ball to play. We think that the reach of that product is greater than anything that we've done before. We're very excited about that. I believe that it's the type of game that will have a very long life, much like World of Warcraft has."

"So, hopefully in 10, 15 and 20 years, that [new MMO] will still be growing strong and will have set a new mark in the industry for that type of product."