Blizzard won't be announcing legacy servers at Blizzcon

Blizzard won't be announcing legacy servers at Blizzcon

Despite calls from many tens of thousands of players, Blizzard has announced, that it won't be making an announcement about legacy World of Warcraft servers at Blizzcon. This has many fans worried that it won't make the announcement next year either, which probably means legacy servers aren't something that WoW developers are considering at all.

Much has been made over the past few months, about whether Blizzard would give gamers the chance to step back in time to play versions of World of Warcraft. That's what they want: versions of WoW that are as they were when the game and its expansions were initially released. They want to play Vanilla WoW, and WoW just after the release of the Burning Crusade, or Wrath of the Lich King.

Proving that these ideas really hold merit, many unofficial legacy servers have popped up in recent years, like Nostalrius, Kronos and Elysium to name just a few. These have ended up with thousands of players between them and really suggest that there's an appetite for legacy gameplay.

But Blizzard isn't going to cater to that itself. It's said several times that it's something it's investigating, but traditionally big announcements come at Blizzcon, so if it's not announcing now, it will be unlikely to come later. Considering next year's Blizzcon is likely to be the announcement of World of Warcraft's next expansion too, people think we won't hear about legacy servers then either, which probably means Blizzard isn't doing them.

That's a bit of a pessimistic outlook, but it could be an accurate one. What do you think? Are we jumping the gun here?

Image source: JesseT/Twitter