Blizzard Reveals Overwatch FPS As Its First New IP In 16 Years

Blizzard Reveals Overwatch FPS As Its First New IP In 16 Years

During Blizzcon today, Blizzard revealed Overwatch, its first new franchise since 1998's StarCraft.

Overwatch is a multiplayer team-based shooter built atop the remnants of Project Titan MMORPG which was canceled a couple of months ago. A playable early build of the Overwatch is being showcased at Blizzcon and Blizzard expects to release the first beta version within the next few months.

Blizzard didn't reveal its plans regarding the game's pricing strategy, but it is likely to be free-to-play given the fact that Project Titan was meant to follow that model.

You can sign up for the beta on the game's official site.