Blizzard Admits Dawn Of War II Influence On StarCraft 2

Blizzard Admits Dawn Of War II Influence On StarCraft 2 Blizzard Admits Dawn Of War II Influence On StarCraft 2 Blizzard Admits Dawn Of War II Influence On StarCraft 2 Blizzard Admits Dawn Of War II Influence On StarCraft 2 Blizzard Admits Dawn Of War II Influence On StarCraft 2

Not something to be ashamed of, Starcraft II project lead Dustin Browder pointed out that while working on the highly anticipated follow-up to Starcraft, he was influenced by several other game, most prominently including Warhammer 40,000: Dawn Of War II.

"I certainly found Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II to be interesting, and I learned a lot about RTSes by playing that game because they've done some interesting things," he said.

"We're hardcore PC gamers," explains the project lead. "We play lots and lots of games made by lots and lots of developers. We try to look and analyze what is working for them in their game, or what is not working for them in their game."

"Is there anything about what they're doing that we can learn from, either what not to do or what to do? We're constantly looking at what other people are doing and trying to decide what's right for us and what makes sense for us."

But this doesn't mean that the game is a lifeless imitation of other titles. "At the end of the day, often, our games have their own style and personality, so we end up often speaking to our games and not just importing things willy-nilly from other games."

"But a lot of things that we've done have been inspired by things we've seen in other titles that we liked, but that we thought we could do better or that we thought we should do differently for our game in particular."