The Blair Witch game no one asked for actually looks quite good

The Blair Witch game no one asked for actually looks quite good

The Blair Witch movies, books and comics have never been universally loved, but have a strong cult following and saw some slight resurgence after the release of the 2016 soft reboot. But did anyone really see a new game based in that universe in 2019? We certainly didn't, but one's coming anyway and surprisingly, it actually looks rather good.

We can't speak much to the quality of the gameplay just yet, as we haven't gotten our hands on it, but with it just over a month away from release, we don't have long to wait. In the meantime, we have some new gameplay footage which gives us an intriguing glimpse of what you'll be doing. Much of it seems to focus around interacting with your dog.

You'll be exploring the woods, looking for clues and information about the Blair Witch, fighting minions of the witch herself, all while managing your relationship with your dog. You'll be able to pet them, send them on missions, call them back to you, tell him to stay close or range far. How you interact with him will have an impact on the game too, with a closer interaction with the good boy leading to you having a better relationship with him and therefore a better response when you want him to do something.

We can't promise that you won't feel scared while playing this, but if you keep your dog close, it will certainly be a little less scary.

Blair Witch is set to release on August 30.