Bionic Commando Exempted From XBLA Size Limit

Bionic Commando Exempted From XBLA Size Limit Bionic Commando Exempted From XBLA Size Limit Bionic Commando Exempted From XBLA Size Limit Bionic Commando Exempted From XBLA Size Limit Bionic Commando Exempted From XBLA Size Limit

When Xbox Live Arcade was launched, it had an imposed game size limit of 50MB. After numerous complaints from game makers, Microsoft tripled this limit to the current 150MB; but even that is not enough for high quality games such as Bionic Commando Rearmed and Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix.

Instead of increasing the size limit again, or removing it altogether, Microsoft decided to make an exception for those two titles.

"With great help from the guys at Microsoft, we will be able to offer the same features on both platforms to the same quality as each other," Seth Killian wrote on the official Capcom Blog.

"Given the sizeable content in Bionic Commando Rearmed and Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix, Microsoft allowed Capcom to work with a larger file size limit for both of those titles in order to provide gamers with the game experience that Capcom desired, such as full hi-res textures or 1080p support. The Xbox LIVE Arcade versions of both titles will have complete feature and graphical parity with the iterations that will be available on other platforms", stated Microsoft.

"On the whole, our partners are happy with the size limit framework currently in place, and we do not anticipate the need to change the 150 MB size limit policy. We will continue to work closely with our partners to bring the best games to Xbox LIVE Arcade, and if a game warrants a file size limit exception, we will provide one on a case by case basis."