Binding of Isaac rejected on iOS App Store

Binding of Isaac rejected on iOS App Store

Edmund McMillen's Binding of Isaac has been an incredibly popular game, released and re-released several times under different guises, with new content, on different platforms and it's only ever getting better. Apple users were set to be the next group of gamers to get a crack at the roguelike, but no longer, as Apple has rejected its inclusion in the app store on the basis that it shows distress or harm caused to children.

This is of course somewhat correct, since gamers play as a young boy who is technically abused by his mother, who even tries to kill him in the introduction. She then takes another stab at it if you make it through to the right end boss.

But that's hardly the point of the game. It's about redemption, of not accepting the crazed ideals of a that same woman and striking out on your own. It's about preventing harm to children - albeit by killing strange foetus creatures in the basement, but still.

Nicalis boss Tryone Rodriguez released a screenshot of Apple's response to the game being submitted to the iOS App store and Apple didn't offer much else in the form of an explanation as to the ruling.

Presumably he'll chase it up and try and get a proper explanation from Apple staff as to whether it will be possible to have the game submitted to the app-store, but for now it looks like Apple fans will miss out on the dungeon crawler.