Big CS:GO update fixes hitbox issues

Big CS:GO update fixes hitbox issues

Despite being one of the world's premier Esports and a longstanding competitive title in the FPS genre, Counter Strike: Global Offensive has had a big problem for a long time: its hit boxes. Not only were they blocky and unrealistic, but they were also unreliable, with some players finding point blank shots ineffective and those trying to shoot down someone who was jumping will know the lesson in frustration that can be.

However thanks to the new update from Valve, all of that is no longer the case as the new hitboxes are far more accurate and make it possible to nail headshots while someone is mid-jump, which was practically impossible before.

To make things even more interesting, Valve has created a new command that allows players to see just where on their opponent they hit after firing. Which is something else fans are pleased with, as per Kotaku.

However they don't like the changes made to the M4A1-S. Nobody is getting death threats over it yet, but a lot of players are pissed and want the patch reverted for that reason alone, ignoring the fact that the hitboxes have become hit cylinders, or as the patch notes refer to them, hit capsules.

What do you think of the updates valve has made to the game? Is CS:GO a bit long in the tooth for such drastic changes, or is it a welcome addition?