Beyond Good And Evil 2 In Preproduction

Beyond Good And Evil 2 In Preproduction Beyond Good And Evil 2 In Preproduction Beyond Good And Evil 2 In Preproduction Beyond Good And Evil 2 In Preproduction

Despite its market failure, a lot of gamers will agree that Beyond Good And Evil was one of the best games released in the past few years. Fortunately, a sequel might be underway.

Speaking with French gaming magazine JeuxVideo, game designer Michel Ancel revealed a sequel for Beyond Good and Evil has been in preproduction for almost a year now.

"Beyond Good & Evil was regarded as being one of the best games of 2003. Unfortunately it didn't get the business success to which it was entitled", said Michel Ancel. "We've actually been working on Beyond Good & Evil 2 in pre-production for a year, and we're continuing to do do small-committee research on it. At the moment the game is still at the outline stage as Ubisoft hasn't yet technically given its agreement. There are however 10 to 12 people working on the project right now."

"We want the game to be set in the continuity of the first title with a large variety of gameplay types and plenty of emotional resonance in the gameplay and the characters. This time we're examining the future of the planet and its relationship with its animal inhabitants."