Beyond Good and Evil 2 is officially in pre-production

Beyond Good and Evil 2 is officially in pre-production

"Endangered species – now saved – Game in pre-production – Stay tuned," said Michael Ancel, executive at Ubisoft and true evangelist for Beyond Good and Evil and developer of the original. He posted the message up on Instagram, along with a picture of a be-dreadlocked rhinocerous. That anthropomorphic style of creature was a real hallmark of the original Beyond Good and Evil and looks set to feature in the sequel too.

Ancel has actually been teasing fans for a little while now, showing off images of a small pig riding the back of some sort of human engineer, and a two legged, two armed sharp too.

While this might have seemed like a way to build hype for the potential game, it actually seemed like the future of the game may have been uncertain until recently. Ancel described important meetings taking place this week, which lined up with Ubisoft's board meeting. While it was thought that minority share holder Vivendi may push its appointees to the vacant positions, that didn't happen and may be the reason we're now going to get a BGAE2.

Nothing is known right now about the plot of the new game, whether it will feature similar mechanics to the original or how long it will take to make, but chances are we are in for a bit of a wait for this one.

Still after the 13 year wait from the release of the original, what's one or two more?