Bethesda Is Giving $1 Million To One Elder Scrolls Online Player

Bethesda Is Giving $1 Million To One Elder Scrolls Online Player

Back in October, Bethesda launched a social network campaign, asking fans to share their #MillionReasonsToPlay The Elder Scrolls Online. Culminating this campaign, the company decided today to give all ESO players a chance to win $1 million.

"Over the past few weeks, we've enjoyed reading all your #MillionReasonsToPlay #ESO that you've shared with us on Twitter, Facebook, the forums, and more. Because you've given us so much, we'd thought we'd return the kindness by offering you something in return. And by something, we mean $1 million (USD)!" announced Bethesda on the game's official website.

To have a shot at winning the prize, you only need to by regular mail.

In addition to the grand prize winner, a thousand lucky winners will be rewarded with 3,000 in-game crowns each, allowing them to buy anything in the Crown Store including mounts, pets, costumes and DLC packs.

The fine print states that the $1 million grand price will be paid in 20 annual installments of $50,000 each.