Bethesda Answers Fallout 3 Main Criticisms

Bethesda Answers Fallout 3 Main Criticisms Bethesda Answers Fallout 3 Main Criticisms Bethesda Answers Fallout 3 Main Criticisms Bethesda Answers Fallout 3 Main Criticisms Bethesda Answers Fallout 3 Main Criticisms Bethesda Answers Fallout 3 Main Criticisms Bethesda Answers Fallout 3 Main Criticisms Bethesda Answers Fallout 3 Main Criticisms Bethesda Answers Fallout 3 Main Criticisms

Fallout 3 may be one of the best games ever released, but it still has its imperfections. The game's executive producer, Todd Howard, sat down and discussed the three most common criticisms uttered by fans.

"Agreed," was his single word response to the first criticism. The criticism being that "Fallout 3 is just mediocre when judged as a first person shooter."

Howard was then faced was the fact that the game's ending isn't very satisfying and much shorter than other Fallout endings.

Based on the feedback I've seen, most people are pissed off that it ends, not the 'ending' itself," he replied. "Maybe that's one and the same, I don't know. That's another thing we're changing in DLC3 [downloadable content #3, "Broken Steel"]. We really underestimated how many people would want to keep playing, so that's probably the last time we'll do something like that."

Finally, Howard refused to acknowledge that V.A.T.S. is boring once you're accurate enough to head shot everyone.

"Depends on what you find entertaining. I like to blow people's heads off," he said. "So, well, it never got old for me. I agree that the 'to hit chance' for head shots is probably too high."