Battlegrounds bans continue at high rate - a million banned in January

Battlegrounds bans continue at high rate - a million banned in January

BattlEye, the service that keeps a close eye on PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds for cheaters and hackers, is continuing to wield its ban hammer with efficiency and regularly. In January alone, a further million players lost their accounts for attempting to circumvent the game's built-in anti-cheat measures.

One of the downsides of being the most popular new game in the world, especially when there are loot boxes involved, is that you are going to attract a lot of attention from the less savoury players out there. Especially, it turns out, from China. That's exactly what's happened with Battlegrounds, which has seen tens of millions of players attempt to shoot one another up across its expansive island setting in the past few months. A surprisingly large number of those players too, appear to be cheating, which the BattlEye service has been trying to stop.

It's been banning players left right and center for months now, but the latest stats show that the problem is only growing. Announced in a tweet by those behind the service, BattlEye claims to have banned as many as a million players in January alone. This, it says, is a sign of things escalating, not getting better.

The developers behind the game are aware of this growing problem however. New anti-cheat measures are set to be introduced in the next update, though the exact detail of what those are has yet to be revealed (thanks PCGamesN).