Battlefleet Gothic Armada trailer showcases the Imperium

Battlefleet Gothic Armada trailer showcases the Imperium

The Imperium, perhaps the least subtle of the races in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. They have giant, brash, 8ft tall super-soldiers toting cannons on their arms, warp-powered fists, jump packs and studs in their skulls. They use brute force and bravado to stomp down enemies of humanity, which is a vastly different tactic to the Eldar, Tau or even the more brutal Chaos.

It's not far off orks really, but with more coordination and less humor.

And that's all showcased well enough in the new trailer for the Imperium's deep-space fleets in the upcoming Battlefleet Gothic Armada.

They do have style though. With heavy gothic and religious imagery, the Imperium's ships are cathedrals for the stars, with giant glass structures, towering towers and monstrous weaponry. Mankind's ships aren't fast, sleek or elegant, but they pack a punch and can take one in return.

Their heavy handed approach can even lead them to be quite effective battering rams, charging down on the enemy in the orbit or a nearby star.

Battlefleet Gothic Armada launches on PC in early 2016.