Battleborn's newest, Ghalt and Deande debut in new trailers

Battleborn's newest, Ghalt and Deande debut in new trailers

New trailers for two of Battleborn's newest characters have debuted from developer Gearbox software, showing off some of their fancy moves and even fancier personalities. Although neither are going to be available when the game launches in May of this year, they apparently have quite central roles in the game's plot.

Ghalt uses a hook shot and a shotgun to subdue his foes and is said to have been one of the more observant members of the team, since he spotted the collapsing universe before anyone else, apparently.

Deande is rather different, operating as an assassin with stealth on her side. Cloning is her special skill, which should make killing the real her rather difficult. Combine that with the ability to go invisible, and she could be one of the more irritating enemies to take on.

Battleborn releases on PC, Xbox One and PS4 on May 3.