Batman Arkham Knight trailer, details released

Batman Arkham Knight trailer, details released

Following on from the recent leak that the next and final story in the Batman Arkham saga is called Arkham Knight and is being developed by the team at Rocksteady that made Arkham Asylum and Arkham City, Warner has now released an announcement trailer for the game and released a bunch of juicy details along with it.

That CGI is so great it reminds me of some of Relic's intro videos.

Apart from the pretty pre-renderings though, the trailer does tell us what kinds of enemies we'll be facing. There's some familiar faces, as well as some new ones. We also get a better look at that sweet looking Batmobile.

At the end, it tells us the game is "coming 2014," so will presumably land in the fall or Christmas period of this year and will be available on Xbox One, PS4 and PC.

Thanks to comments from Rocksteady staffers, we know too that the map in the game will be - wait for it - five times larger than the one in City, which was already a pretty large sandbox to play around in. It also runs on a modified version of the Unreal Engine, which has been tweaked to remove load times between interiors and exteriors.

As for the Arkham Knight himself? That's not you, that's the lead villain in the game. We don't know much about him yet, but he's been described as the anti-Batman, so should provide a decent challenge for players.

For a full rundown on the leaks and updates, check out CVG's breakdown here.