Batman Arkham Knight PC sales suspended

Batman Arkham Knight PC sales suspended

Warner Bros has pulled one of its latest high end releases, Batman Arkham Knight from sale on Steam and other PC platforms, following numerous complaints that make the game practically unplayable.

Graphical glitches, missing aesthetics, file integrity issues - Batman Arkham Knight on PC has been a cluster screw up of epic proportions. Ironically the PS4 version has reviewed amazingly well, so Rocksteady clearly did a great job as usual - but the smaller firm it had make the PC port dropped the ball badly.

"We want to apologize to those of you who are experiencing performance issues with Batman: Arkham Knight on PC. We take these issues very seriously and have therefore decided to suspend future game sales of the PC version while we work to address these issues to satisfy our quality standards," a Warner Bros. representative said on the official forums.

Fortunately for those that did buy on Steam, Valve recently introduced a refund system, which Warner Bros encourages anyone that feels duped to utilise. However for those willing to brave it, it's suggested dropping all graphical settings to their lowest for now, which seems to fix some of the problems.

Of course this makes the game look even uglier than it does with glitches, so Warner has said that Iron Galaxies, the small developer that handled the port, is working with Rocksteady to fix all of the problems currently plaguing the game.

Have any of you run into problems with the PC port of Arkham Knight?