Awesomenauts Players Can Play ROFLnauts For Free

Awesomenauts Players Can Play ROFLnauts For Free

Awesomenauts developers have decided to gift their PC fans with an adorable mini-game that is hidden among the game’s files.

The bonus game is called "ROFLnauts" and it is a retro, Smash Bros.-style brawler from Super Crate Box designer Jan Willem Nijman and artist Paul Veer.

To access ROFLnauts all you have to do is go to your "steamApps" folder then click through the "common" folder to the "Awesomenauts" folder then the "Data" folder and finally to the "rofl" folder where the game’s executable resides.

If you’ve installed Steam in the default location, then the full path to the bonus game should look like this: C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Awesomenauts\Data\Rofl