Average Crusader Kings II player has put in 99 hours

Average Crusader Kings II player has put in 99 hours Average Crusader Kings II player has put in 99 hours

A lot of games offer a decent amount of play time for your money. The average single player campaign might give you eight hours of gametime and the multiplayer segment can soak up another 20 or so, but for the most part, you're not going to go over 50 hours unless it's something really special.

Take Crusader Kings II for example, which has an average playtime of 99 hours. That's a lot more than your everyday title.

Of course this doesn't mean that every player puts in almost a hundred hours into it. It's certainly influenced by the amount of people that pick it up and try and wade through its somewhat confusing interface and mechanics only to quit shortly after due to frustration. Which means that the players are at the high end have balanced those out.

If you take out those that quit after not getting the hang of things, chances are the average 'real' Crusader Kings II player goes for much longer. In a new infographic, the developers Paradox, unveiled that the person who has played Crusader Kings the most, has put in over 10,500 hours of their time.

Considering that works out to 437 days, or far more than a year of non-stop gameplay, that's actually quite an achievement. The game has only been our three years, so that particular player has managed to put in over eight hours a day, every day since the game was released.

Who knew there was a professional Crusader Kings II scene?