Avalanche pledges impending fix for Just Cause 3 problems

Avalanche pledges impending fix for Just Cause 3 problems

Just Cause 3 has been reasonably well received by the majority of reviewers and its community, but a lot of people have still encountered irritating and game-breaking issues with the destructive title, including invisible trees, visual issues and performance problems in some of the major action sequences.

Avalanche Studios has apologised for these problems and has said it is working diligently to get them fixed up.

"We know that some of you are encountering some technical issues – we’re looking into them all and we’re fully committed to providing you the best possible experience," it said on the Steam Forums.

"Right now, a little over one day since we launched, we have huge numbers of players in our enormous game world and we’re monitoring all the data coming in."

It did however ask gamers for patience and a little more time to recreate more of the bugs that have been reported. It needs to do that in order to be able to fix them after all.

However anyone with new problems that have yet to be reported, or new information on existing bugs, should contact Square Enix customer support it said. Although it seems unlikely much of a response will come through, it should at least speed up the shoring up of all the holes in this particular title.

"We’ll do all we can to make sure everyone is laughing and smiling as they play," its statement said in closing.