Australians finally get uncensored Left 4 Dead

Australians finally get uncensored Left 4 Dead

Poor Australia, it not only gets shafted on Internet Access and contains many of the world's deadliest animals, but it also gets screwed on games, since the ratings board there has traditionally maxed out on games that were for 15 year olds. Anything considered inappropriate for that learned age group wasn't given a rating at all and therefore couldn't be sold.

Back in 2013 however, the ratings board introduced an 18+ age rating, so now Valve has resubmitted Left 4 Dead 2, its classic zombie cooperative shooter, with all the gore and violence you could want, with a patch made available for Australians that had previously installed the muted version of the game.

To make things that little bit better still, Valve currently has the game on sale for 75 per cent off, so you can pick up a copy for just a few dollars.

Here's hoping this is one of the last, great games to be denied to Australia simply because of a short sighted ratings agency.