Audiosurf just got a widescreen update in 2020

Audiosurf just got a widescreen update in 2020

Audiosurf is 12 years old, but that doesn't mean the developer has forgotten all about it. Five years after the last update, and almost five years since the release of its sequel Audiosurf 2, it's gotten a brand new update. It's not an enormous one, but should be appreciated by those who still dabble in the procedurally generated musical game.

A unique specific when it was released and still hardly emulated, Audiosurf hit Steam in 2008 and offered an intriguing take on the rhythm genre, which was just waning in popularity at the time. It lets you load in your own songs, which would randomly generate levels for you to traverse in a car, of sorts. You'll knock into blocks or dodge, or jump them, depending on the level style you pick, but all of it is accompanied by, and in-time to, your own songs.

It eventually helped spawn a number of copy cats, especially in VR, but Audiosurf remains a classic in its own place in time and now it can enjoy some more modern features, like better widescreen support. The game now supports ultrawide monitors and ultra-narrow ones (you can effectively play it like you're holding your phone vertically, if you like) and there are now more corkscrews in the game. Along with track creators now being able to specify where they want them, they will also trigger at the most dramatic moments in a song, making for a more dynamic experience.

When was the last time you played a quick game of Audiosurf?