ATI Unveils XBox 360 GPU

ATI Unveils XBox 360 GPU

As ATI had promised, its E3 booth demonstrated a Ruby demo rendered by the R500, the XBox 360 GPU. The presentation showcases the capabilities of the GPU which ATI employees can nevver talk enough about.

Developed from the ground up with High Definition in mind the graphics processor in Xbox 360 features 10MB of EDRAM memory, a memory which is over twice as fast as conventional memory.

ATIs booth also features a variety of impressive next-generation game demos in an attempt to convince visitors of R500 supremacy. Currently ATI and nVidia are both at the exhibition each trying to prove that its console will revolutionize gaming even more than its rivals.

Rick Bergman, Senior VP and General Manager, PC Business, ATI Technologies said We now have the ability to engage gamers in a world of fluid realism, where motion and emotion combine to deliver an experience that transcends fantasy and reality. The graphics behind Xbox 360 bring a number of major new innovations to the graphics market that unlocks the imagination of developers and gamers alike. Big words which we will have to come back to once the 360 launches in November, 2005.