Art Of Gaming - Free Magazine

Art Of Gaming - Free Magazine

GameSide Network has debuted its a free online magazine that focuses on the beauty of video games and features artwork from the gaming community.

The Art of Gaming magazine takes a look at video games of the past, present, and future that are or were visually impressive whether they were bit mapped or polygonal. The magazine details the beauty of the games from the aspect of character design, conceptual art, and more. Also worth noting is that the Art of Gaming magazine features artwork created by gamers as well as questions and comments submitted by

This free magazine will also contain reviews of classic games, gamer profiles, and features tutorials on how to create graphics similar to those used in the video games. The premiere issue will feature art based on the cult classic, Metal Slug, which had impressive graphical content for its time. The upcoming issue will feature art based on the insanely popular MMORPG game, World of Warcraft.

The Art of Gaming was born out of a love for games and an appreciation of its art. We're also excited at the opportunity to showcase artwork by the gaming community says GameSide Network's CEO, Lachelle Talbot-Thomas. The fact that the magazine is free and has content by the gaming community just re-establishes our company's motto of 'For Gamers By Gamers'.

Features include:
- Every issue is completely free
- Each issue contains a Featured Game in which its graphics are profiled
- Impressive artwork for gamers by gamers
- Comments and questions direct from the gaming community
- Give-aways for the best Letter of the Month
- Retro Reviews, our favorite games of the past are profiled
- Art tutorials, learn how to make graphics like the pros
- The Art of Gaming comes in PDF format for ease of reading and printing
- Releases on the 3rd week of every month.

To download your copy now follow the download tab above.