Army Of Two Skips Holiday Season

Army Of Two Skips Holiday Season Army Of Two Skips Holiday Season Army Of Two Skips Holiday Season Army Of Two Skips Holiday Season Army Of Two Skips Holiday Season

EA announced that Army of Two, originally planned for a November release, has been delayed until early 2008.

"The announcement is that we're pushing the game to Q1 of next year and the reason is based on the feedback we've had internally and externally. We just want to add extra polish to the game", said Alan Tascan, VP and General Manager of EA Montreal. "I think everyone would want that. Our job is to delight the customer and we feel that we need more time to add the polish."

When asked why the game was delayed just a few days before its release date, Tascan replied that "this was based on a lot of feedback we had internally and externally. Where we failed is in questioning whether we could really make the game better. I agree that this decision came at the last second, but it still came and I think that's better for everybody. I think the fundamentals are there, we just need to add in the extra polish that we now have the time to do."

"What we failed in is that we didn't recognize earlier that needed more time to improve the balancing. I mean, we have hundreds of weapons in the game, so it takes a long time to polish that sort of thing. We didn't have time to do it before and now we do. And we had full total support from EA. This is an important new IP for us and we don't want to spoil it."