ARK modders are adding Pokémon to open worlds

ARK modders are adding Pokémon to open worlds

ARK: Survival Evolved has not only expanded gameplay and content a lot since its original unveiling, but has been a real focus for a lot of modders over the past couple of years. We've seen everything from new islands, to new game modes appear and the latest hotbed of development seems to be in merging it with the world of Pokémon.

One modder recently released their own take on such a world, letting players explore the island, tame and capture Pokémon in typical ARK style. Called Pokémon Evolved, the mod adds a bunch of Pokémon to the game, as well as Pokémon credit system, which lets you summon in certain creatures when you have earned enough.

However as it seems with all sorts of mods like this, it's already causing some controversy. Getting a hold of it isn't easy, as someone making a similar mode filed a DMCA takedown notice against it.

We wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo jumped all over that soon too, as purportedly the modder used Pokémon X and Y models imported directly into the game. That's straight up copyright infringement.