Apple Time Capsules Reported To Last Less Than 18 Months

Apple Time Capsules Reported To Last Less Than 18 Months

Lots of Apple's Time Capsule backup device are reporting that its lifespan is no more than 18 months.

Disgruntled Time Capsule user, "zmippie" took it upon himself to create a website where other Time Capsules register their devices' serial number, purchase date and malfunction date. At the time of writing this article, 380 users have already registered their dead Time Capsules and their average lifespan is 17 months and 6 days.

"In the end, hopefully, by getting a better view on the size of this premature TC [Time Capsule] failure, we can poke Apple to take action", zmippie wrote in a post on Apple's official forum. "I don't think this problem ends after the first batch of TCs have all died, because apparently the design hasn't been changed since the initial release in early 2008".

Apple's Time Capsule comes with a standard 12 months warranty that Apple has been reported to honor with immediate replacement of devices that fail within this period. The company hasn't responded to the increasing complaints yet.