Anthem's next big event has been delayed

Anthem's next big event has been delayed

If you were excited for Anthem's next big Cataclysm event, we have some bad news for you: it's been pushed back and that's meant that all of the big updates that were coming as part of it have also been delayed. That includes the new Mastery system, Guilds, Legendary Missions (phase II), weekly stronghold challenges, leaderboards, and new freeplay events.

"While we have delivered many of the Act 1 features on time, we are not going to hit all the goals on our Act 1 Calendar," Bioware's leader producer Ben, and head of live services, Chad, said in an announcement on Reddit. "We set aside time for this work, but the reality is there are more things to fix and improve than we planned for. While this is the best thing to do for the game, it means some items from the calendar will be delayed."

As popular as Anthem has proved in the early going, many see its popularity as already having peaked with many complaining about a lack of endgame content or much reason to go back and play earlier levels beyond additional grind. Many of these newer features were supposed to fix that, but as of now, those updates won't be coming for a little while longer.

And that's about all we can say at this moment. Bioware hasn't detailed when we can expect the new Cataclysm event or any of the other updates planned. We would presume within a month or two, as otherwise the April release plan was exceedingly optimistic, but for now Bioware is staying mum on the specifics.

How are you guys enjoying Anthem so far?