Analyst Expects Sony Motion Control To Beat Microsoft Natal

Analyst Expects Sony Motion Control To Beat Microsoft Natal

Microsoft's Project Natal is the most impressive motion control system ever created to date, but that doesn't mean that it is more suited for gaming than Nintendo's Wii or Sony's upcoming motion control system. At least, this is what gaming analyst Doug Creutz believes.

"Natal appeared to me to be a technological solution in search of a problem," Creutz said. "Do I really care if I can navigate my Netflix queue without using a controller? I had a very hard time envisioning playing Modern Warfare 3 using Natal. By contrast, I had a very easy time envisioning it (and enjoying it) using Sony's control/motion capture scheme."

"Microsoft appears to be trying to steal casual gamers away from Nintendo, which is a difficult proposition given that you're essentially asking casual gamers to upgrade twice during the cycle (assuming they already own a Wii). In contrast, Sony is squarely targeting the core gamer market, which is what they need to be doing," he concluded.