AMD: We Innovate, Intel Copies

AMD: We Innovate, Intel Copies AMD: We Innovate, Intel Copies

Heading back home after opening an R&D center in Bangalore, AMD CEO Hector Ruiz, took some time off to bash Intel.

"If you look at the last five years, if you look at what major innovations have occurred in computing technology, every single one of them came from AMD. Not a single innovation came from Intel" Ruiz claimed. "So I would say that Intel is trying to catch up with us in that respect."

But how come Intel is outselling AMD for more than a year now? According to the AMD CEO, "Intel continues... to abuse their monopoly and that's why around the world governments and regulatory agencies continue to go after them."

The European Union and the South Korea accused Intel of anti-competitive practices this year, but the American Federal Trade Commission recently said it would not charge Intel with anti-competitive practices.