AMD Ryzen 5900HX is now the fastest mobile CPU ever

AMD Ryzen 5900HX is now the fastest mobile CPU ever

AMD continues to hit homeruns with its Ryzen processors. After a few years of chasing Intel's tail and finally eclipsing team blue in gaming with the Ryzen 5000 series, it's now started stealing records with its mobile processors too. The new Ryzen 5000 series mobile chips are incredible capable. In fact, the newly announced 5900HX looks set to become the fastest mobile chip ever. In new leaked Passmark benchmark results it absolutely destroys the competition, from both AMD and Intel's best.

In the Passmark Threadmark and CPU mark, tests, the Ryzen 9 5900HX scored 3,365 and 24,039 points, respectively. For comparison, Intel's top of the line Tiger Lake Core i7 1185G7 managed just 3,009 and 11,526 points. The Core i9-10980 HK faired a little better with its additional cores, but it was far from competitive, managing just 2,939 and 16,594.

The only processor that gets remotely close is AMD's own R9 4900H from the previous generation, which achieved a score of 2,722 and 19,047 points, according to Videocardz.

The amazing part of this is that the R9 5900HX isn't even the top of the line CPU of its generation. Its eight cores, 16 threads, and 3.3GHz base clock are all matched by the higher-tier R9 5980HX, but that latter chip has a higher boost clock. 4.8 GHz, versus 4.7GHz.

That's not much, but it shows that Intel is in a lot of trouble if it hopes to compete with AMD on mobile this year. Its Rocket Lake CPUs might claw back some ground on desktop in the coming months, but we'll be waiting for Alder Lake later in 2021 before it can compete across the board again.