AMD Radeon 19.7.2 drivers boost Gears of War 5 performance

AMD Radeon 19.7.2 drivers boost Gears of War 5 performance

If you're an AMD gamer and are planning on playing the upcoming Gears of War 5, then you'll want to download the latest drivers. The Radeon 19.7.2 driver updates the AMD platform with a number of bug fixes and performance issues, but most notably makes AMD cards fully optimized for the new Gears game.

Available now from the official AMD website, the new Radeon drivers add official support for Gears 5, but that's not the only game that's received focus in this latest update. Star Wars Battlefront II will no longer appear pixelated or blurry when using the DX11 API on AMD cards. AMD has also fixed a problem with DOOM, where there were bizarre color correction issues throughout certain segments of the game.

Other fixes with this release include better support for Facebook with Radeon ReLive, there's now no more problems with Radeon Image Sharpening leading to screen-flicker in older games, and Radeon Wattman auto tuning features should now work properly and display the correct values.

There are still some issues, as always with PC driver releases and AMD is aware of a number of them — expect them to see fixes in upcoming releases. They include compatibility problems between Windows 7 and the Radeon RX 5700 series cards, League of Legends failing to launch on Radeon 5700 GPUs, and minor stuttering in Fortnite with RX 5700 cards.

We expect a big push from AMD for third-party Radeon 5700 cards in the coming weeks, so these bugs will likely be fixed up before they launch in August/September.