Alien: Isolation release date coming at Rezzed

Alien: Isolation release date coming at Rezzed

If you've ever considered yourself a fan of the Alien franchise, then chances are you were disappointed by Gearbox's efforts with Aliens Colonial Marines and likewise, you're probably more than a little excited about Creative Assembly's stealthy, survival horror title, Alien: Isolation. While we don't know when the next-gen and PC title is set for release, we will before long, as there's a big talk about the game taking place at the EGX Rezzed event in just a few days time.

Set to take place at the Birmingham NEC in England, UK between Friday and Sunday, Rezzed will showcase the latest developments from a tonne of different developers, including Creative Assembly. Creative director at the company Al Hope will be the one making the announcement and he's set to take the stage at 3PM GMT on Saturday to discuss the game.

If you're attending there will also be a playable version of the game available on the showfloor, so be sure to let us know what you think if you're going.

Other games being shown off include indie developments like War for the Overworld, Prison Architect and Kenshi, alongside big AAA offerings like Infamous: Second Son, Titanfall, Warthunder and the latest Pokemon games.

Anyone looking to head out there? I won't be visiting this one, but I will be at i51 a month from now.

Rezzed is run by the publisher of Eurogamer, Gamer Network.