50 vs 50 WWII shooter promises to offer authentic battlefield experience

50 vs 50 WWII shooter promises to offer authentic battlefield experience

Shooters based on either of the World Wars tend to take a little artistic license -- after all, it would be no fun to just die as soon as you got to the front lines, as oh so many of the soldiers in those conflicts did. But an authentic experience is exactly what Kickstarter success, Hell Let Loose is promising, with its 5o0 vs 50 main game mode that is set to hit Steam Early Access in January 2019.

Developed by Black Matter, the game received the backing of thousands of gamers on Kickstarter back in 2017. With more than $100,000 to play with, the developers promised a lot, but the announcement trailer for the game does suggest it may well deliver.

Hell Let Loose is being published by Team17, of Worms fame, and it claims that the experience will be as authentic as possible, with large scale battles, cover systems, medical aid, accurate weaponry, and objective-focused gameplay.

"Players must coordinate to capture sectors and resources to beat the opposition into submission," Team17 said, via PCGamer. "Authenticity is key, and players will be able to experience history using a realistic period arsenal, with accurate weapon behavior."

Footage shows a game that's quite slow and methodical. It's more Call of Duty 2, than Battlefield V, but even that's an unfair comparison. There's no regenerating health here. If you don't have bandages for your wounds, you'll die. You'll be flanking opponents and gunning them down in their entrenched positions, rather than running and shooting from the hip.

Hell Let Loose will debut on Steam in early January along with a roadmap of what the developers have planned.