3DS most popular console in July, thanks to Pokémon Go

3DS most popular console in July, thanks to Pokémon Go

Nintendo has praised Pokémon Go as the reason that the Nintendo 3DS became the most sold console in the U.S. last month. Following on from the nostalgia kick many millions of Pokémon fans received, it seems many wanted to try their hand at some of the real Pokémon games as well.

Although Nintendo didn't give us exact figures on how many of the 3DS were sold in July, we're told it did increase sales by 80 percent over the same month in 2015.

Of course it wasn't just down to games unrelated to the platform. Monster Hunter Generations was a big seller, outshifting all other retail games entirely in-fact, which is quite a feat for a handheld title.

The price drop that the 2DS received helped too. Although Nintendo is touting 3DS sales, it does include the 2DS and New 3DS sales in those numbers.

Nintendo sales figures were pretty solid across the board in July in fact. Thanks to other big titles like Minecraft: Wii U Edition, Pokémon Omega Rub, Pokémon Alpha Sapphire - there's a bit of a Nintendo resurgence going on.

So although Nintendo failed to fully capitalise on the monstrous success of Pokémon Go - and must be kicking itself for not buying up Niantic just a few months ago - it's doing very well at the moment.

It also has Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon coming out in mid-November, so look for a big upswing in 3DS sales then too.