20 million people have played Hearthstone

20 million people have played Hearthstone

Who knew that the next big free to play game would be a collectible card game? Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft, has garnered over 20 million players according to Blizzard, though the publishing giant doesn't specify if that's total downloads of the game, or active players.

Either way, it's an amazing achievement and makes Hearthstone one of the fastest growing games in the world.

It's popularity can be put down to a lot of factors, such as it being free to play, featuring a good mix between random luck and skilful play, as well as a deep and evolving meta-game of deck building mechanics. It's also starting to get the ball rolling with esports, with tournaments springing up at many a gathering of gamers.

There's even a decent amount of single player content, thanks to the introduction of Curse of Naxxramas, even if it is a paid for expansion.

Have many of you guys been enjoying Hearthstone? If so, how are you fairing in ranked? I can't seem to break out of the high teens myself. Best I ever achieved was a 16, though I managed an eight win arena run a while back, which I'm quite proud of.