15 minutes of Battlefield 1 shows how epic WW1 can be

15 minutes of Battlefield 1 shows how epic WW1 can be

DICE and EA have really thrown everything including the kitchen sink at Battlefield 1, mixing up steam punk, larger than life explosions and some very detailed world war I weaponry and it looks phenomenal.

The best part? It still has tonnes of development to go. The 15 minutes of footage we have below is from the alpha, so the game could be far more polished and feature filled by the time it releases at the end of October.

What excites me most about the game is the return to an era where everyone isn't sporting sub machine guns. The focus on rifles, a little more stealth, accuracy and positioning rather than just speed and reaction times.

Hopefully the multiplayer will have a lot less running and gunning and a little more strategy. Hopefully.

The lack of focus on vehicles too will be interesting. There's much less air support to worry about in a game based at a time where planes a relatively recent invention - though that makes their appearance all the more worrisome, as there isn't much in the way of armaments that can take them down in return.

This certainly has me more interested that Infinite Warfare.