Baldur's Gate III Mod Fixer v1.0

Baldur's Gate III Mod Fixer v1.0 Baldur's Gate III Mod Fixer v1.0 Baldur's Gate III Mod Fixer v1.0 Baldur's Gate III Mod Fixer v1.0

This pak forces the story to recompile, allowing pak mods to work with the full release of Baldur's Gate 3.

Just load this mod along side others and it will let you start a new game with mods enabled.

Just drop the .pak file into your mods folder and it will work. No need to edit modsettings.lsx file.

File information

File name:

File size: 809 B

Mime type: application/octet-stream; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary