
Slendertubbies Slendertubbies Slendertubbies Slendertubbies

Slendertubbies is a fan-made game that is based on the popular game Slendytubbies. The main objective of the player in Slendertubbies is to collect a specific amount of Tubbycustards, while being pursued by the titular Slendertubbies who will attempt to impede the player's progress. Are you up for the challenge of surviving a night with a Teletubby? Download the game now!


Experience intense gameplay in Slendertubbies! Join the fun with these exciting features:

Epic and LAN multiplayer

Single player mode

9 playable maps (plus 1 hidden)

2 game modes (Collect and Versus)

6 AI-controllable Teletubbies (plus 1 hidden)

5 player-controllable Teletubbies (plus 1 hidden)

3 different human characters

Basic multiplayer features

Customizable match settings 


To play the game, ensure that your system meets the following minimum requirements:

CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad


HDD/SSD: 6GB Free Space

GPU: Gigabyte GeForce GT 720 or modern Integrated graphics

OS: Windows 10 64-bit or later

DirectX: Version 11 or later

Epic Games account (for online multiplayer)

Stable Internet connection



WASD - Movement

Right mouse button/left Shift - Sprint

Left mouse button/F - Flashlight

C - Show remaining custards

P/Esc - Pause

T - Chat

Z - Toggle sprint

Tab - Show connected players

M - Manage players

X-Look backwards
